Tuesday, July 21, 2009

UPCOMING EVENT- Baby Buggy with Miss Manhattan!

On Monday, July 27th, I'll be joining Inga, Miss Manhattan 2009, at the Baby Buggy in Manhattan to sort and patch gently used baby clothes for low-income families in all five boroughs. I'm always willing to help out the underserved populations in our city, and Inga specifically works to give infants a safe and healthy start to life with her platform, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity for us! Plus, we're all about the inter-borough love; she'll be with me helping out the following evening at the Brooklyn Bridge Park gardening event (see previous blog post).

This event, like the one at the Brooklyn Bridge Park, is organized by One Brick- a national volunteer effort service dedicated to connecting willing volunteers with small but significant opportunities to make change!