This. Looks. Awesome. I'm heading out of town tomorrow night (my best friend, Corey, and my sister Kieren are graduating!!!) so I'll be unable to attend, but if you're free, check it out!!! I work with a pretty diverse student population at two public schools in Brooklyn, and a lot of the work we do uses the arts to celebrate and explore themes of diversity and identity. The Global Youth Media and Arts Festival looks like a great night!
The Global Youth Media and Arts Festival Exhibition is now open at NYU's
Commons Gallery!
Over 1000 NYC Youth address Immigration + Identity through visual and
performing arts!
Stop by today and join us for our Opening Celebration on Friday, May 21!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Student performances begin at 7:00PM
NYU Commons Gallery
34 Stuyvesant Street, New York, NY
Exhibit will be on display through May 25th.
Please join us for the VIP Reception with special performances starting
at 5:00PM.