Thursday, May 20, 2010

World Savvy's Global Youth Media and Arts Festival and Celebration

This. Looks. Awesome. I'm heading out of town tomorrow night (my best friend, Corey, and my sister Kieren are graduating!!!) so I'll be unable to attend, but if you're free, check it out!!! I work with a pretty diverse student population at two public schools in Brooklyn, and a lot of the work we do uses the arts to celebrate and explore themes of diversity and identity. The Global Youth Media and Arts Festival looks like a great night!

The Global Youth Media and Arts Festival Exhibition is now open at NYU's
Commons Gallery!

Over 1000 NYC Youth address Immigration + Identity through visual and
performing arts!

Stop by today and join us for our Opening Celebration on Friday, May 21!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Student performances begin at 7:00PM

NYU Commons Gallery

34 Stuyvesant Street, New York, NY

Exhibit will be on display through May 25th.

Please join us for the VIP Reception with special performances starting
at 5:00PM.